12 Gifts Of Christmas Event!

From December 6th to 17th we will be featuring special daily deals where you can save big on selected items. Each day will have a different theme, and will of course feature a broad variety of different items on sale. These items will be perfect gifts for the crafter in your life, or just represent a great opportunity to add some new items to your own craft stash!

Each sale only lasts 24 hours, so don't miss out on this great daily deals! Please be aware that each day in the "12 Gifts of Christmas" will not populate until the day of the sale, so if you were to click on "Day 1", which takes place on December 6th, on say December 5th, you will find that page empty. Once the sale begins, items will appear on that page. Also, the sale price will not appear on the items themselves prior to putting your item into your cart. However, once the item is in your cart, the discounted price will appear.  

Have a very merry Festive Season everyone!